The amount of time a single person spend on travelling per day is 1.1 hours
8.8 kg of carbon di-oxide is produced by a gallon of gasoline.
Steam engine produces 15% of thermal efficiency whereas the steam turbine produces 40%.
A 3 meter long dugout dated to 7400 BC is the world’s oldest boat. It was discovered in Netherland by Pesse Holland.
The amount of pollutants emitted in the air per day (in tons) is as follows:
Carbon Monoxide - 421.84
Hydrocarbons -184.37
Nitrogen oxides -110.45
Particulate Mater -12.77
The total pollutant added to the earth’s atmosphere is 729.43 tons per day.
The density in smoke is measured in Hartridge. The density should not exceed 65 Hartridge for all diesel driven vehicles.
The pollutants in the air released by the vehicles have a varying degree of severity, covering a range of minor illness to serious ones, as well as early death in certain cases. These poisonous gases affect the respiratory and cardiovascular system directly. Following are listed some of the poisonous gases and their harmful effects…
Carbon Monoxide: affect cardio vascular system, nervous system and reduce productivity.
Nitrogen Oxides: create infection, pulmonary disease, lung disease and ENT (eye, nose, and throat) irritation.
Sulphur Dioxide: affect lung function, and affect Particulate Matter and Respirable Particulate Matter (SPM and RPM)
Lead: cause damage to liver, kidney and brain and result in hyperactivity and reduce the ability to concentrate.
Benzene: Excessive leukemia.
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