Tuesday, March 23, 2010

London Transport Museum

The London Transport Museum or LT Museum is located in Covent Garden in London. LT Museum pursues to protect and explain the transport heritage of Britain's capital city. The museum covers all the aspects of the transportation in the city.

Within London the museum is operated from two different sites. The main site is the Covent Garden and the other site is in Acton. The main site has the name of its parent institution and is also suffixed by the Covent Garden. It is open to the public on all days. The museum has been recently reopened after two years of refurbishment.

The other site is called as London Transport Museum Depot. And it is open to the public on regular visitor days. This is principally a storage site.

London general omnibus company (LGOC) brought the first part of the collection to the museum at the beginning of the 20th century. This is the time the company started to preserve the buses that were retired from their service. After when LGOC was taken by the London electric railway the collection included the rail vehicles also. From then the museum started to expand.


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